Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Short and Sweet:)

October 10, 2016
Hello Lovelies:)
It's been a sunny day here in California:) and I'm all sorts of sunburnt to prove it;) this week we saw so many less actives! It's been crazy! We even have a few progressing so that's been so cool. We don't have any investigators at the moment besides Our friend pictured below.... sad life but that's cool. 
I had my MyPlan meeting This week. It's like the meeting where we meet with president and he talks about us planning our lives and stuff. It's kinda stressful. But he shared something so awesome that has really touched me this week. He talked about the Salt Lake Temple and how it took 40 years to build. He then told us that the first 39 years building they just built the outside. They had a beautiful stone box. But in the last year they did everything in the inside. They turned it from a box to a beautiful temple. I'm in my temple building time. Every moment of a mission is so vital and I'm so excited for all the miracles coming! 
I hope you have a great week. Love you all:)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Double Cheeseburger weekend πŸ” :)

September 30, 2016

Well Hello:)
It has been quite the length of time since our last pday as a zone and let me tell you, we are feeling it! Haha but today we got to go to the temple and it made everything worth it. It's so wonderful to be able to be in the House of the Lord. How blessed we are to get to be there every few months. 
The past 10 days have been good! I can barely remember them, but I'll hopefully hit the highlights. Gabby our Chinese investigator left for home last night. What a cute person! She brought so much sunshine in our life for these past few weeks. We were so sad to see her go. It's okay though. When I go save all the orphans in china, she said I could stay with her so that's swell! 
We did some fun service this week as well. We tore apart some guys yard. It was insane. We took a machete and just went ham out there. That's where we met Jeff. (Pictured below) we became fast friends. 
This week I have had my testimony strengthened so much, especially about the priesthood. I received such a powerful priesthood blessing from my mission president this week. I know that the true priesthood authority of God has been restored to the Earth, and it is an absolute blessing to all of us. I know that because of the Restoration of the priesthood authority to the Earth we have a prophet on the earth today. General Conference is such a neat opportunity for us to hear from our prophet. If you haven't already put Conference in your plans for the weekend. Do it. I promise you will leave that meeting with a stronger faith and desire to follow our Savior Jesus Christ. It will bless your life. Honest to goodness! 
I love you guys:) Have a great weekend!
Sister Moon

Will you let me know who wins the Rigby game tonight? I have a bet to win..
Sister Moon (Rigby) vs. Elder Madison(Rexburg)
(Elder Madison is what she calls him, I don't know his real name.HAHA 
Oct 3, 2016
Long time no write friends! I don't have a whole lot to report today,  but It's been such a wonderful weekend. Friday was pday and we got to go to the temple. It was so great to be in the temple. We don't get to go super often so when we do it's a big treat! The rest of the day we played and had a blast as usual. Saturday and Sunday were awesome. I love General Conference. It seriously feels like Christmas. So many great messages that touched my heart. I am so grateful to be living in a day and age where we are able to receive guidance from a prophet of God. If you were not able to see General Conference this weekend, I invite you to the take the time to watch it. I promise you that by taking the time out of your week to listen to the messages that were shared that you will go away from it closer to our Savior and a better and happier person, for He is the true source of joy! 
I love you all so much:) have a super week! 
Sister Moonpie πŸŒ™ 

Hair cut by Sister Despain

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Funk- Shway!

Good Morning World!
It has been such a blessed week here in the Placentia East area! So many awesome opportunities to love and serve! For Pday last week we played sock soccer. May be a little dangerous but we are missionaries and invincible so no worries ya feel? Its where you play soccer in the gym with an exercise ball in your socks. Its so fun! Seriously put it on your family reunion list. Tuesday the relief society made blankets for this organization called Tyya. Its a place that we have been working with to help refugees. It was so fun! We made some of the cutest little blankets and I even made one with a little tractors because im from idaho and we like tractors. ;) Wednesday we did a service for this organization called stop hunger now.  Coolest thing ever. They take food to countries all over the world. Look it up! Basically missionaries are there everyday and without the missionaries, there company couldn't happen. Now doesn't that make you feel like a super hero! We had a little fun there too! Pallet climbing and jousting! Thursday was had our meetings and then we went and visit the cutest old lady. I love marge so much! She is a serious crack up. Friday we went to the school and helped out. Total crack ups those kids. Saturday and Sunday were the best days since I have been in this area! Our ward mission leader had two Chinese students staying with him. They are so awesome. The girl, gabby is the sweetest human in the planet. She had so many questions and we were able to teach her so much. Sunday was the primary program and they both came. It was so sweet and they loved it. We took them on a chapel tour and we were able to testify of so many simple truths. I seriously love them. We are so blessed to live in a place where these simple truths can be taught. I love this gospel. 
Have a swell week okay?:)love you:)
Sister Chelsea Lou Moon

Hello friends:)
I hope you are all doing well today! It's been a great week on my end! We have had a great week! We started the week off in a trio. So fun! Sister Rosenlund was my companion for a whole day. It was the best ever. I love that girl. I don't think we slept we just had so much to catch up on. We did our usual service this week.:) we also spent a lot of our week in meetings. Well Sister Johnston spent her week in meetings. I just hung out outside for hours on end and read my scriptures. Perks of being someone's last companion aye? Anyways! The highlight of the week was having Elder Acosta of the 70 in our sacrament meeting. It was so neat . He talked about how important it is to have a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father and as parents and really all members of a family should be constantly striving to turn their family members to Christ. He then talked about how we do that is being turned to Christ ourselves.

"and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!" -doctrine and covenants 18:15-16

Save it be one soul. Save it be your soul. I promise that as we bring our souls to our Savior Jesus Christ we will have not only great joy, but be able to have greater joy as we bring those we love unto Him.

I love you guys! Have a super week!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Eleven is.... Heaven?

Good morning!
How are y'all doing this day? It's been quite the week! First off
today is the first day of my 11th transfer! Holy cow. These things go
by so stinkin fast. It's so strange. I feel like I just got here to
the Placentia Ward. I will be staying here this transfer and I even
get to keep my companion till I kill her off in October! I think we
have good things coming this transfer! I'm excited for this new

Monday we went hiking with the zone. We went up to black star and it
was so fun. Besides the fact that it was a million degrees outside, we
had a blast climbing up rocks and having a good time with the wild
life.  (See pictures below)

Tuesday we went and did our usual visits with the little old ladies.
It's a crack up let me tell you. We teach this fitness class called
sit and be fit. Let me tell you, you haven't seen real cardio till you
do some sitting jumping jacks. I felt the burn.

Wednesday I went on exchanges with the lovely sister burns. She is
beautiful. We found a new investigator and passed out 2 Books of
Mormon. That's a big deal guys. It was awesome. I learned a TON. We
have started volunteering at this cute little school. One of the
teachers is a member and she has a do paper work and organizing and
stuff like that. It's awesome to be there because this school is in so
much need. Most of the children are homeless and don't speak much
English. Most of their parents work though out the day and can't come
volunteer. All the teachers are so appreciative of just the few hours
we are able to put in each week. It's so cool.

Thursday we had such a good zone training. It is such a blessing to
have those meetings and come together and learn from each other. We
have awesome zone leaders and they teach is tons.

Friday and Saturday were pretty normal days as a missionary. We
contacted a heap of referrals. It was super weird how many came in
this week but we were so grateful. We even had a few who were in
hospitals! We ran all over this place that's for sure!

Sunday we had dinner with our new ward mission leader. They are such a
cool couple. They have been everywhere in the world I swear and they
teach us a lot. They are such good member missionaries too. We are
super blessed to have them.

The work is picking up here kids. The funny part is I don't know how
we did it. And you know what? I have come to the conclusion that we
didn't do any of it. This is the Lords work and He really does decide
how it's done. It's just our job to follow the spirit and open our
mouths. It really is the greatest feeling to end the week knowing you
did your best to do His will.
I love you guys. I hope you have an awesome Labor Day and have a great
break from your... Labors;) hope to hear from you all soon!
Love yous,
Sister Moon
1. I caught this little baby lizard at a door last night.
2. Look! I held a snake ( okay, okay, I must take after my auntie Amie)
3. The district.

True love is charity, the pure love of Christ

August 29, 2016
Hello Hello:)
How are you humans? It's been such a good week. Missionary life is so joyful. Tuesday we did our usual bingo party with the old ladies at Bradford Square and GUESS WHAT??? I won bingo. Three times that day in fact. I have seriously never won a bingo game in my life. I swear I had the luckiest card. I about cried I say. I was so proud of myself. I'll admit, no one else was as impressed as I was but it made my day. We have been knocking so many doors. It would be kind of discouraging but we have decided to play a few games to make life motivating. Tracting is so funny! We have started the word game at every door. Some how trying to fit the word Velociraptor into a door approach makes life better. We've been working with a lot of less actives. Some are progressing so well. Its so awesome to see them regaining their faith and to feel the spirit they didn't know they were missing. Less Active work is one of my favorite things. Friday we set up the classroom of a lady in our ward. It was so fun. It made me miss school and all the times I helped my mom set up preschool. Saturday I went home for the night. Yorba Linda 4th ward had their annual steak fry and I couldn't not go. Oh my golly how I love and miss those people. All of my favorite people were there. The Lomellis, Ryan, Sharise, the Browns, Ann Palmer, the Mayans and about a billion others. There was also a few people who I had taught right there at the party. it was so amazing. They take such good care of me. Of course I left the Mayans with 3 cantaloupes, a bag full of fruit, and a bag full of Chelsea friendly snacks. I love those people. 
Recently I have been thinking a lot about love. One of my favorite quotes I have found recently is by Marvin J. Ashton.
“We must at regular and appropriate intervals speak and reassure others of our love and the long time it takes to prove it by our actions. Real love does take time. The Great Shepherd had the same thoughts in mind when he taught, ‘If ye love me, keep my commandments’ and ‘If ye love me feed my sheep’. Love demands action if it is to be continuing. Love is a process. Love is not a declaration. Love is not an announcement. Love is not a passing fancy. Love is not an expediency. Love is not a convenience. ‘If ye love me, keep my commandments’ and ‘If ye love me feed my sheep’ are God-given proclamations that should remind us we can often best show our love through the processes of feeding and keeping."
True love is charity, the pure love of Christ. As a representative of Jesus Christ I really am striving to love as He did, and that love comes not only through word but through deed. I challenge you all to do the same. I know that as we strive to give Christlike love to all we come to meet that we will be able to see people and love people as God does, and in return recognize how much we are loved by our Savior, Jesus Christ. 
I love you all so much. Have a good week aye?

Quotes of the week:
"I had a girlfriend who was Pentecostal once. It was weird." -Elder Rubio
"Why was it weird? Cause she said hallelujah every time you kissed her?"- Brother Remington
"No. It's cause she said AMEN every time he didn't"-Sister J

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hello Friends:)
It has been such an uplifting week. This week we had zone conference.
Zone conferences are seriously my favorite thing. I always walk out of
those things super pumped about life. Elder Costa our area 70 shared a
message about the Book of Mormon and it was super great. We walked out
of that conference and placed 2 Book of Mormons within 30 minutes. We
have been reading the Book of Mormon as a mission and it has really
increased my faith and increased my desire to share it. Seriously
everyone should read that thing. It brings so much peace and happiness
into my life. Although Zone conference was awesome the absolute
highlight of my week was meeting Elder Dallin H. Oaks. He had a
meeting with the missionaries yesterday and it was amazing. I went
with so many questions and had every one of them answered. He truly is
a man called of God. Such an amazing human. I hope you all had a
wonderful week. I love you all so much. Keep on keeping on:)
Sister Chelsea Lou MoonπŸŒ™